[2021-Sep-22] Design for Mediated Interactions

Institute of Information Systems and Applications


Prof. Hao-Chuan Wang 王浩全教授

Associate Professor, University of California


Design for Mediated Interactions


13:20-15:00 Wednesday 22-Sep-2021

QR code: 




Hosted by:

Prof. Hung-Kuo Chu



Collaboration and communication gaps, ranging from difficulties in expressing oneself or understanding another person, to failure in coordinating actions in teamwork due to physical, cognitive and social barriers, are common problems to individuals and organizations. Therefore, designing interfaces and systems as communication channels to mediate interpersonal interactions is not only important, but can be critical in times of pandemic and large-scale mediated work. In this talk, I will conceptualize mediated communication as a socio-technical system that would require interdisciplinary research and interaction design to shape mediated interactions toward desirable processes and outcomes. I will exemplify this approach with my lab’s past and present projects tackling different group tasks and work contexts.


Prof. Wang's research has contributed to the design of intelligent and interactive tools to support team diversity, interpersonal conversation, non-verbal communication, and group creativity. He also studied extensively how these tools can be shaped to address large-scale societal issues, such as bridging cultural and language gaps between global co-workers, and support expert-novice knowledge transfer to ensure the wellness and sustainability of work practices in the contexts of platform and gig economies. Prof. Wang created and led the Collaborative and Social Computing Lab (CSC Lab), taking human-centered perspectives and approaches to understand, design, and evaluate interactive and collaborative systems for problem-solving and value creation. Before joining UC Davis in 2018, he was an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and the Institute of Information Systems and Applications, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (NTHU), and an affiliated researcher with the NTU IoX Center, National Taiwan University. His work has been supported directly, or indirectly through joint projects, by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, National Science Foundation, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Delta Electronics, Intel Labs, Microsoft Research, Google and Looxid Labs etc.

All faculty and students are welcome to join.